Many of our shows in SA, VIC, QLD, ACT and NSW have new dates. Check the Gigs page for details. If you had tickets for the original dates they willContinue readingRescheduled shows
Some shows to be postponed
Upcoming shows in Melbourne, Adelaide, Wollongong, Sydney, Narrabeen, Newcastle and Canberra have to be postponed due to COVID. Details will follow soon, with the shows hopefully to be held inContinue readingSome shows to be postponed
Free streamed set Monday 14 June!
A Meanies set will be streamed for free this Monday as part of The Long Weekender. It will be available from midday until midnight. Register at Other bands featuredContinue readingFree streamed set Monday 14 June!
On tour in June-July!
Better late than never! It’s been a year since our latest album Desperate Measures came out, and finally we are going on the road this June-July to give it toContinue readingOn tour in June-July!